The Day The QAnon Shaman Was Confronted By “Little Nazi” Nicholas Fuentes At The Az Capitol

 QAnon host of Az Trump “Reverse The Vote” Rally Has Altercation With Neo Nazi Leader And Group At Az Capitol ...

 (Saturday, 11-28-2020)...Q Anon host  was pushed aside by Neo Fascist Nick J. Fuentes followers who called him  “a devil with horns.”

… A young man described as a neo- Nazi by Rational Wiki caused a ruckus at the traitor Trump sour grapes “reverse the election” rally held today (Saturday, November 28th, 2020) at the Arizona state Capitol. This man, calling himself Nicholas J. Fuentes showed up implying that he was a backer or associate with Alex Jones.  He and dozens of other clean cut short haired (mostly white) young men who looked like they were straight off the set of a Handmaid’s Tale episode got into arguments with the establishment Republican party individuals there and the QAnon host. 

This group of young fanatic right wing men some carrying rosaries and one carrying a large wooden cross with a crucified Jesus then broke off from the the main group and  dutifully followed their leader Mr. Fuentes chanting “America First”. 

A friend, also attending the event told me afterward that he witnessed some of Mr. Fuentes followers calling  the QAnon man hosting the event (who was dressed with large animal horns on his head and furs covering his body) as a “devil with horns”.

So much hate and idiocy had already spewed forth at this attempted Temper Tantrum Coup rally …  (including a so called expert on the constitution saying Abraham Lincoln was angry at the “communists” who held slaves etc.) When the young neo-Nazi Mr. Fuentes decided to make his little power play and break off from the main group with dozens of loyal followers. 

And then, after about ten to fifteen minutes of dueling megaphones between the the young men... Mr. Fuentes and the QAnon host... Mr. Fuentes returned.

As Mr. Fuentes stood out in the crowd with his dedicated young followers...They began shouting at the QAnon host who then caved and let Mr. Fuentes speak, the QAnon man had clearly lost... And then proceeded to put on a cheerful face and welcomed the young Neo-Nazi to speak and he gladly obliged diving in head long to a hateful rant that would last a good while.

And, in his long diatribe Mr. Fuentes called for at times the apparent discarding or destruction of the Republican Party that had stabbed Mr. Trump in the back.

He then led the crowd in chants of locking up former president Obama and called for the apparent hanging/execution of what sounded like Mr. Obama, the world elite (including George Soros) and other Democratic officials and equated them to the devil. He gave a harangue repeatedly that at times sounded like a cult leader getting his followers ready to commit mass suicide if Mr. Biden took the position of president.

He derided Arizona governor Doug Ducey, Kentucky senator Mitch McConnell Ducey, and the Republican Party leadership and establishment in general as a bunch of liars who did not keep their word. 

And, he said that in response to this backstabbing Republican party leadership he would wait on considering on whether voting for the two Georgia Republican candidates for U.S. Senate in the run off on January 5th, saying there was plenty of time to hold off supporting the two candidates until some strong support for his beloved leader Trump was given by the Republican Party establishment leadership. 

In fact, Mr. Fuentes seemed to call for the destruction of the Republican Party. 

Upon his saying that he would wait to see if he would vote for the two Georgia Republican candidates on January 5th,  two very passionate and angry Republican establishment elderly ladies started screaming at Mr. Fuentes essentially saying that he would harm their chances for the U.S. Senate. One of these ladies even appeared to call Mr. Fuentes an “ass hole”.

And the other establishment Republicans there cheered as Mitch McConnell Doug Ducey and other establishment Republicans were booed and chanted “Fox News sucks”. Mr. Fuentes was goading people telling them basically their lives would end and that they would be slaves if Biden were seated. 

There is no  question Mr. Fuentes the young and upcoming little Nazi is trying to skillfully manipulate people into the resistance but what will these fanatical cult Trump supporters do? Will Mr. Fuentes take up arms against his own countrymen...other Americans? If he doesn’t get his way? Will he just start the fight and step aside like the true instigator of hate that he is?

Is he just like Trump the traitor who “will talk the talk but not walk the walk” from his golf course and bunker?

Leonard Clark, Len Clark News 

Saturday, November 28, 2020 Arizona State capital


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