
Showing posts from September, 2022

Occupy Phoenix the Spirit Lives On

 Occupy…..The spirit lives on ….. Thank you to both  Ezra Niesen and Dennis Gilman for both being there separately to video/ document the night described below. It was  at times uncomfortable, but they were there and they took the time to document what happened.  And, It is individuals like  who help to put sunlight on injustice by documenting it before it can be hidden and denied.  One evening on October 15th 2011 at Margaret T. Hance park …..Occupy Phoenix protested non-violently the 1% being given out special favors in our society while the people were given nothing but crumbs and treated unjustly….. And for this we were arrested like common criminals by the Phx P.D.  I am the one with the white t-shirt and orange hat Ezra Niesen’s video getting arrested with other non violent citizens at approximately 13:37 into the video. In Dennis Gilman’s video I’m also wearing the orange hat and white t-shirt. Then after being arrested...